Let me use Manglish please :D
Alhamdulillah , I still have the chance to exhale and inhale the oxygen . Praise to Allah . :) And I still have the chance to update this thingy . Hee. Sorry. Laziness is leading me up zzzz. HAHA. I'm;' not that busy actually. I'm not working either. Still stuck with my un-normal leg . If you know what I mean . :')
Yeah. Life is getting harder when it comes to get older and older . Serious talk you guys . Having serious matter in your life seriously leads you to maturity . I guess. For me lah . 19 going 20 . Wow. That's totally like whoa. A friend of mine just get married 2 days ago . And dia adalah lelaki. Okay . Kahwin at the age of 19 okay -.- Serious mindfucked kejap masa dapat tahu. Yela , kawan yang dulu kau lepak study sama sekarang dah kahwin okay dah kahwin . Okay stop it Wawa . Anyway , congrates bros . May Allah bless you and your wife . :D Happy for you .
Nampak tak dia punya dah dewasa dia macam mana . Konon lah dah dewasa kan . Hmm. Actually, being dewasa is totally scares me a lot . Yeah . A friend of mine juga , ntah . Lain dah aku tengok. Bangga sangat dengan shisha beliau . Awak tu perempuan . Dan saya kecewa sebab awak yang saya kenal bukan macam tu . Hmm . Doa je yang mampu .
Baru tadi lepak borak dengan one of my school -mate . Baru balik dari Mesir . Cuti sem rasanya . Haish . Lain dah rasa . HAHA. Masing masing . "Dah besar dah kau " . Aku rasa takde yang besar nya . Cuma watak perwatakan tu je yang membeza kan . HAHA. Hidupkan . Talking about life , reminds me of death. Lately banyak berita kematian among our age . And among my friends . Hmm. Innalillah . Death is inevitably coming. Be prepared .
Haha. Rasa tadi nak buat short update. Panjang pulak bebel. Maaf post merepek. Cuma gian nak menaip. Hee. Btw, May Allah Bless. Ramadhan pun is just among the corner . Be prepared too. Semoga bertemu Ramadhan kali ni . :')
P/s : Tak sempurna .
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