"Takutlah kamu terhadap kurniaan Allah,yang selalu kamu perolehi sedangkan kamu melanggar perintahNya. Jangan sampai kurniaan itu semata mata Istidraj."
Firman Allah dalam surah Al-A'raf ayat 182:
"Kami akan binasakan mereka perlahan lahan dalam keadaan yang mereka tidak sedar"
However, those disobedient people who keep on committing sins are clueless. They think that they received the fortunes because God is with them and they feel that God is kind to them in spite of their wrongdoings. Then again the people who know that we must follow the footsteps of Rasullulah (SAW) and hold on tight to Islam in order to obtain happiness in this dunya (world) and akhira (afterlife), are still doubtful.
Senang cerita, aku terpanggil to write this thing sebab as you know sekarang budak budak Uitm , Matrik semua tengah pulun habis untuk final kan. Then , one day, one of my classmate cakap dia rasa dah give up nak belajar sebab dia kata dia belajar macam mana pun dia still macam tu juga. No improvement at all. Tapi roommate dia kerja 24 jam tidur gayut bagai but then dapat 4 flat. Dan pernah terfikir tanak hidup lagi. Ightifar panjang aku dengar. But at the same time aku teringat pasal Istidraj :)
So this is. As students pernah kau belajar macam nak terbalik tok , solat , puasa sunat semua tak pernah tinggal but yet result kau tetap sama ? Tapi ada Hamba Allah yang lain kau tengok belajar takdelah hape sangat , ponteng kelas bagai , perangai macam nauzubillah min zalik tapi dapat result sumpah tip top. Siap dapat Best Student bak hangg. Tu sebenarnya namanya ISTIDRAJ .
Yeah, aku one of the err person yang face this situation nak nak zaman sekolah dulu lah sampai satu masa aku rasa nak give up. Malas nak belajar dah . Sebab aku rasa kalau aku belajar sampai pengsan pun belum
tentu aku dapat result yang best macam mana parents aku harapkan. Padahal orang lain huha sana huha sini , lepak sana lepak sini still dapat best result. Still berjaya.
Tu sebab zaman sekolah aku dulu, I think I did the worst even worsen things in life. Serious talk dude. Tapi mengucap balik bila pikir balik dengan apa yang aku fikir dulu. Macam salahkan takdir.
Then , I do hear about this Istidraj thing.
"Anak orang kaya, hari-hari main perempuan. Ayah dia hari-hari minum. Mak dia pun sama. Tapi hidup mereka amat cool. Hidup dioerang amat happy. Apa yang dieorang nak, semua diaorang dapat. Anak-anak dieorang, PMR dan SPM semua straight A. Perjalanan hidup dioerang amat mudah. But why? Kenapa orang yang buat larangan Tuhan asyik dapat kebahagian hidup? Yes, itu adalah Istidraj. "
"Why is it that people who pray 5 times a day, who wake up in the middle of the night to offer tahajjud, who fast not only in the month of Ramadhan, but also on Monday, Thursday and other voluntary fasting, live an ordinary life… some are even living in difficulties. Why? And how about the people who never pray in their whole life, nor fasting, yet they are living a prosperous and affluent life? Their houses are conspicuously built, their expensive cars are parked from end to end and they have a lot of money in the bank."
Yes, istidraj is suatu kenikmatan yang Allah bagi untuk kasi diorang makin lalai. Semakin banyak nikmat yang Tuhan kasi, semakin hina lah mereka di sisi Tuhan.
From Anas bin Malik (RA) reported the Prophet (SAW) said: "Verily Allah (SWT) does not diminish the welfare of the believers. He will be paid in this world and rewarded in the hereafter. On the other hand, the disbelievers will be given livelihood and welfare in accordance with what they work for in this world. When it comes to the hereafter there will be no more good to be rewarded for them." (Sahih Muslim)
So apa yang aku boleh cakap jangan mudah give up dengan keadaan sekeliling. Ignore cakap cakap orang kalau nak terus berjaya dalam hidur either dalam study or so what ever thing you wanna do. Aku cakap as self-reminder juga.Kalau kita nak selamat , we should have the understandings and live by certain principles.
It is not wealth that we are looking for and it is not poverty either. Purpose dalam hidup kita sebenarnya is to seek Allah’s pleasure. How can we determine if the good fortunes we receive please Allah? One can recognize the real blessings when he shows gratitude to Allah upon the gifts. If he uses them in the right way for the purpose of goodness and it makes him more sincere in his commitment to Allah, then all the gifts he received is a real blessing from Allah that He’s pleased with. When the purpose of life is to seek Allah’s pleasure, undoubtedly we will be safe in this dunya (world) and akhira (hereafter).
Inshaallah . Waallahualam.
P/s: Ada kekurangan. Maafkan saya. :)
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